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Hey there, I'm Jesse Gaynor.
I'm the premier posture and fitness coach for busy professionals.

I've helped dozens of busy professionals improve their posture, alleviate and prevent pain, and improve their fitness and health.


I am not the first nutrition program or even the first fitness trainer for most of my clients.People work with me because they have already experienced what has not worked for their body, and they understand that what I do is different!


I get you in shape without injuries, aches or pains. I improve your alignment, and I treat your body with respect and care.

I understand how to make life simple for you.

You don't need a trainer, physical therapist, chiropractor, and a nutritionist. You just need me.

   People feel-

  1. I’m getting older and I’m noticing my body isn’t the same as when I was younger. I don’t want to wait too long If I can find a solution.  

  2. I want to feel attractive and be in better shape for my self-confidence. 

  3. I feel better when I’m consistent with a health and exercise routine. I don’t want to fall into a slump, and I show up better for my family and work when I’m on a routine. 

  4. I want to get healthy and in shape to be a role model for certain people.

I understand.

I have been in this industry a long time. I see people use information that is for 20 year old's.

Or worse, I see companies and “experts” prey on people. Making empty promises and spreading misinformation. 

My mission is to give you a different option-


I work with people that have busy lives, so I understand how to make life simpler for you. 

I customize your health and fitness to your life schedule.

I personalize to your body. No matter your age, health condition or body type. 


My service is to you. That way you have flexibility to enjoy your life and not stress about your exercise or what your eating.

Benefits you can expect only with me. 

Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Reviews

A truly custom nutrition plan. As strict or as flexible as you need. Work with a master nutritionist and get the best and most convenient foods for your health.

Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Reviews

Find out why your body is in pain or why your not able to lose weight as easy as you used to 

Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Reviews

Improve you energy and health with whole food nutrition and exercise that improves your posture

Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Reviews

Get out of pain and fix your alignment! What you can do at work or home to fix it.

Doing Pushups

A Great Body Starts With Great Planning. Get started with a free 1 on 1 posture fitness and nutrition consultation




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Jesse Gaynor has worked with


Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Reviews

I was talking to a colleague at work, and he mistakenly thought I was in my 40’s! I just turned 60! It feels exciting and surreal at the same time. My desk job and my age had made me feel that getting in shape was impossible. My body felt like it was aging quickly with excess fat, less muscle, and knee pain from poor posture.

I tried everything - expensive trainers, diets, luxury anti-aging doctors, and even private chefs. But no one could give me the results I wanted, until I met Jesse. Within the first week my body started changing. We train over Zoom and it’s astonishing to see his skills. He notices every detail. 

I saw my best results during Jesse's 90-day intensive program and year-long plan. Now, with my travel picking up, I switched to his concierge plan, which gives me the freedom to stay on track no matter where I am.

Jesse is a fantastic guy - fun-loving, in great shape, and he practices what he preaches. He's also incredibly considerate of my time and schedule, which means a lot. I'm extremely selective when it comes to recommendations within my circles/network, but I can confidently say that Jesse is one of the exceptional few who I wholeheartedly endorse. He’s worth every minute of your investment. 

I wish I had met Jesse earlier because I would have saved time and frustration, but at 60 years young, thanks to his guidance, I finally have the body I always wanted.

-Martin Chavez CFO Goldman Sachs


90 Day Accelerated Plan
AND Concierge Services

Have you ever dreamt of having every resource you need to have a different body and health?


Imagine you wake up energized and feeling great. You get ready for your day and take a second to approvingly look at yourself in the mirror. You head into the kitchen to get your personalized meals for the day, as you realize how different it is to feel this way.  


At some point in your day, you meet with your trainer. He gives you some exercises for your health as you two check in. You spend the next 45 minutes sculpting your body. And when your finished, you feel confident you have exactly what you need to look and be your best.

With my premium service, the only thing you need to do, is show up. The rest I take care of! 


You can still get the body you want and live a healthier, more stress-free life—even if you’ve tried and failed in the past.


And I can help you do it.


Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Reviews

I had never had a professional trainer and was intimidated at first, and didn't really expect to get much out of it besides a few tips here and there. Then I met Jesse.


Jesse is a fun loving, easy going guy who happens to be in excellent shape and how knows how to get you there as well. Every training session kicked my ass, but I had fun every time, and I would always leave with a huge sense of accomplishment.

The best part about working with Jesse is that there is no guess work. He really knows his stuff, and will even sit down with science nerds like me and go through the math of how to work out your nutritional needs.


I learned more about macronutrients and how the body processes them (or more specifically how MY body processes them) than I had ever known before. Working with him has really laid the foundations for all my subsequent fitness and nutrition endeavors.


Jesse also has the unique ability to know where your limits are. He always pushed me to do more than I thought I could handle, without ever forcing me to do anything he knew I couldn't.

Recently he's gotten into even better shape, which just shows how much dedication and discipline he really has. He also likes to concentrate on corrective exercises and stretches, which is a key component of proper weight training, and is overlooked by a lot of other trainers. Jesse knows how to set himself apart from other trainers; he really cares about your progress and takes a genuine interest in your life! If you decide to work with Jesse you'll not only get into great shape, you'll gain a new friend as well. Pro tip: he likes to finish his sessions with an exploding fist pump.

-June P


Regular 1 on 1 Personal Training Session

I guide those that are looking for an expert in fitness and nutrition. I help you get real life results no matter your age, health condition, body type, or work schedule.


I guarantee in just 1 session you will experience why I am different.

Your body will feel better, your posture will look better. You'll feel confident you have finally found someone who actually knows your body-- and knows what you need to do to feel and look your best.

Anchor 1

Monthly Coaching

Each month you get a new workout, food, and health plan. You and I will personally meet twice per month.


What does 'personalized' mean?

It means i go above and beyond what 99% of other fitness and health plans do. I don't select fashionable exercises and foods from a workout library or diet template (I'm not guessing based on a formula).


I design your program starting from assessing and understanding your body. From my assessment, i am able to select the exercises and foods that are most effective.

I tailor every detail of your plan according to your unique body and schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does this cost?
    My company workshop is a flat fee $350. I have advisory/coaching sessions for individuals and companies. Prices vary depending on the needs. Email or call to inquire — One on one online personal training starts at $125 per session and increases depending on how many sessions you purchase. You can purchase sessions in a package. Or you can pay on a month-to-month plan where you can cancel anytime with no minimum time commitment — Monthly coaching- $290 per month and up depending on your package (please see Monthly Coaching FAQ for more info) --- Our Accelerated program comes in 3 time intervals: Our 90 day plan is $18,000. The 6 month plan is $35,000. The one year is $66,000 I also have a concierge plan that clients frequently transition to after the accelerated plan because of the reduced cost and increased flexibility. The concierge plan is $3,500 per month with a minimum commitment of 3 months (it becomes month-to-month after 3 months). --- Sessions are 50 minutes - 1 hour in length. Sessions can be used back to back for a 2 hour session. Monthly coaching comes with an initial 1 hour consultation and two 30 minute check-ins each month Workshops are 1 hour long but the length can be customized depending on the circumstances.
  • Can you give me details about the Accelerated Plans and Concierge Plan?
    My Accelerated plans are for those that want to get spectacular results fast and are willing to invest their time and energy. We need 1 hour of your time 5 days per week AND you will need to sleep a minimum of 8 hours per night. You will wear an aura ring, log your food on Myfitnesspal, and fill out a 2 minute questionnaire every morning. I will track all your activity, sleep, calories, macro nutrients, subjective feeling, and many other data points every day. I won't take a second of your time more than I need. I will plan your exercises, activity, and nutrition every day before your next session. Your food and exercise will constantly adapt as your needs/body changes. I will also coordinate with personal assistants/secretaries, chefs, or any other help if needed. ------------ If you need a more flexible schedule but you still want incredible results fast, then try my concierge plan. It is the same level of service as our accelerated plans but you can choose how much of everything you want. You do not need to log anything, or hit a minimum sleep requirement every day unless you want to. You also have the flexibility to miss any of your sessions if you need to. I will adjust your program to accommodate. This program is our most versatile plan. We deliver a concierge level of support.
  • Can you give me details about your monthly coaching plan?
    If your looking for a program you can do yourself and still have support, this is it! Your plan is complete with- Initial 1 hour long consultation 1 month plan for diet, exercise, posture, and health Two 30 min check-in sessions per month A 10 min learnable course on how to get the best results with your program I will guide you to understand your own health so you start taking control over how your body looks and feels. You can avoid the trap of picking fashionable exercises and foods from workout library's or diet templates. I will teach you what you need to know so you can do it on your own! (For the rest of your life) Cost- Monthly- $389 3 months- $340 6 months- $290 *Monthly means you only commit to paying 1 month at a time.
  • Can you give me details about your posture and health workshops & consulting for businesses
    Business consulting and workshops are highly customized based on your company's goals. I focus on my expertise, which is postural alignment, nutrition, health, and fitness. My workshops are generally interactive with posture, nutrition, and health. I do not typically do active fitness exercises unless you request. A 1 hour workshop will usually have this structure- 10min conversation about important health topics 20min activities. 'Hands on' learning. 15min Q & A Wrap up/ take home topics If you have any questions about how we can help you or your business. Please contact us for a free consultation.
  • What happens in a training session and what kinds of exercises will I be doing?
    Sessions are completely tailored to you, so it will be different depending on your wants or needs. However, a standard session generally starts with stretching, or personalized posture exercises. As you carry this out, you will commonly discuss topics. Such as your diet, your exercise plan (that your trainer, me, has already made for you), and pains or tension you may have. After this short period of stretching and discussion, you will work out! I do not have predefined exercises. I individually access based on your body, and your goals. This can include weight training, body weight, cardio, or stretching. It depends on what will best work for your body.
  • Can I still get a strong body if i'm over 60 years old?
    Yes. Around 1/4 of my clients are above the age of 60. I typically hear my clients say they want an increased focus on the longevity of their health. I incorporate flexibility and posture specific exercises to keep your body healthy! I take care to keep you pain free during our training as physical health is the foundation of my business. ---- It's very important to note that quite a lot of our above 60+ clients want to get into amazing shape! I love assisting our older clients with losing fat, gaining muscle tone, and reshaping their bodies. I have clients in great shape into their 70's now! You have the body to do it, you have to have the mindset that you want to do it! I am a specialist in taking care of your physical health. I monitor your body so you can feel secure that you have an expert watching and guiding your progress.
  • What equipment will I need?
    If equipment is what gets people to their goals, then no one will find results outside of the gym! The only thing we highly recommend is a $20 set of resistance bands that you can carry with you, and a lacrosse ball or massage ball. Any other equipment you have we can likely utilize if you would like. As you get more advanced in your training, you may want adjustable dumbbells, a bench, and a pull-up bar. We have countless reviews of our clients getting into the best shape of their lives with minimal equipment. It’s the correct diet and exercise program that is responsible for getting you results!
  • Is this all online training?
    Yes. I understand you may like the idea of having freedom to train anywhere, but are concerned about your trainer being able to see and understand you clearly and effectively. I do online sessions every day with clients around the world, so I know trust is built through human connection. I understand it may require some transition time to get used to online sessions, so I make it simple and easy for you to find comfort and results. I recommend a free consultation session so you can assess for yourself if you would like to try online training. I've had thousands of clients give exceptional feedback! Please read my reviews, I am trained to observe exactly how your body/anatomy moves. To leave no doubt, I also use specialized assessments to verify my observations. It's my pleasure to get results for you! I am extensive and I pride myself on my assessments and observation! Fitness training and posture coaching is personal. I've worked with some of my clients for over 10 years. The relationship only lasts as long as it is beneficial to the trainer and the client. My experience is that once my clients realize that they can get better health and results with these online sessions. They actually prefer them, because of the freedom to avoid driving somewhere, and the flexibility to be able to do a session while you're away from home. In many cases, online sessions are the only sustainable way to fit health and fitness into a busier schedule.
  • When can I expect to see results?
    Getting results is personal, depending on your goals, current lifestyle and how much work we need to do together. You should know by now, this isn't a program giving you empty promises and a quick fix. I'm invested in your success and want to help you over both the short and the long run. That means results that last. So while I'd love to be able to give you a specific answer, here’s some things I can say with absolute confidence- During your first session, you will see noticeable improvements in your posture. Most people report having less bloating, inflammation, and overall better health within the first couple of weeks. Beyond this, if you follow my suggestions to the best of your ability, you WILL continue to get results. I guarantee it.
  • What if I have pain or an injury?
    I don't advertise it much but i'm actually a specialist in injury prevention and recovery. I am not a physical therapists. So if your injury is caused from a collision, fall, or impact I would seek their professional help. However, if your injury is from anything else, I fix 95% of all those pains. I use a unique combination of strengthening, stretching, foam rolling, and alignment-based movements. What separates me from other pain management specialists is my expertise in postural alignment therapy. I can look at the anatomy of muscles and bones similar to a doctor, however I do not make any manual adjustments. Instead, I use personalized exercises to re-teach your muscles to permanently hold better posture. I find that using muscle memory keeps better alignment longer than massage or chiropractic, because your muscles are trained to hold the better posture.
  • Will I get a diet and workout plan?
    Yes. It's pivotal for your success that you have a plan. Your nutrition and exercise plan is given to you immediately. You will learn your exercises in perfect form as you and I go through your routine together. I will record all our notes on your form and write down how many sets, reps, and days per week to perform this workout. Your nutrition is highly personalized. Some people just want advice, others want a structured plan, and the rest want some combination of advice and a plan. Anything you need, I am here for you. I do whatever it takes to make sure you have exactly what you need!
  • What If I'm a pro athlete, actor, bodybuilder, or advanced lifter?
    I define 'advanced athlete' not by how good looking, strong, or fast you are. Advanced means how conditioned you are in the training you do. The bodies of these athletes have been developed to the point where getting further results can be very difficult to achieve. These clients are generally professional athletes (or aspiring), actors, bodybuilders, or long-term lifters. These athletes know how important it is to have great fitness and nutrition guidance. They are serious about their training and put a high value on doing what it takes to get the results. I generally have 3 responsibilities with these clients. Number 1, get them into unbelievable shape. They usually have an ideal physique in mind. Number 2, maintain their peak shape when they travel. Number 3, give them realistic and simple routines they can incorporate in. I also work with pro athletes that do not necessarily value looking good. They come to me for my expertise on nutrition, recovery, and injury prevention/posture. The advice I give to most of my advanced athletes is to work smarter, not harder! You need to be efficient. Your body generally needs more stimulus to change, but too much will hurt your body and results. Smarter to me means: -Maximizing your recovery through nutrition and lifestyle -Knowing exactly what your exercise capacity is every day -Fitting in the most productive and efficient exercise movements within your exercise capacity
  • What is the cancellation policy?
    I do require that you give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel. This gives me enough time to reschedule the time you're canceling with another client. — My concierge service has more flexibility with cancellation. It may be expected that certain session appointments could be missed, so no notice is required.
Kettlebell Workout

Finally Ready To Hire An Expert?

Would you like to have a certain body and health that you've never been able to achieve or that you've never been able to get back to? 


​Are there things that used to work for you but now your life has changed and it's harder?

Or have you never found the things that get you the results you want?


​If you have been putting time and energy into your health, over and over again, and you still don't have the body or health you want. Or, if you've been putting off getting back in shape, always waiting for a free moment in your schedule, you may be 'stuck.'   


​​In my experience, most people are spending too much time and energy on the same repetitive thoughts and activities. That lead to the same outcomes. 

​Very few people ever get completely out of pain or get to the exact body they desire and the ones that do either are very young, have amazing genetics.


 They have help. 



I am not for everyone. I don't have a generic or pre-made service. I am an expert that personalizes your plan. I worked with thousands of people, and know what it takes to get real, long-lasting results. Results that you can see and feel.


​​You’ve read this far, so you’ve already seen my process and my results. Chances are good that I can help you, too.


​I am ready to take the stress off your plate, give you a personalized plan, and help you finally get the body you want and deserve.


​But the next step is yours.

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